Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Grass fed beef

Thinking about trying grass fed beef?  Here are 5 reasons why you should.

1. Grass-fed beef is more nutritious
     A new review of 30 years of research on the difference between conventionally-fed and grass fed beef was published in the Nutrition Journal. The review showed several health benefits of consuming grass-fed beef over grain-fed beef, including: Grass-fed beef has significantly higher amounts of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA has been shown in studies to protect against cancer and heart disease, help build muscle and promote fat loss. It has also been associated with healthy cholesterol, glucose and insulin metabolism. Grass-fed beef has higher levels of Vitamins A and E and the body’s most powerful antioxidant glutathione. Grass-fed beef contains less overall fat per serving and Grass-fed beef contains less omega-6 fatty acids, associated with inflammation, and more omega-3 fatty acids, which combat inflammation along with providing a host of additional health benefits

2. Grass-fed beef is easier on the environment
     Since cattle are not born to eat grain, they have difficulty digesting it. Much like when humans’ digestive systems are not functioning correctly, cattle produce large amounts of gas. There is concern that the methane they produce could have a significant impact on global warming.

3. Grass-fed beef doesn’t contain hormones or antibiotics, and isn’t fed food that has other chemicals sprayed on it
     Although use of steroids in beef has been banned in Europe, it is still allowed in the United States. There is concern that the hormones found in conventional beef can be transferred to humans by consuming the beef. Although this is area of much controversy, it’s not worth it to take the chance at consuming excess hormones if you don’t have to. With our high rates of cancer, metabolic imbalances, and younger ages of the onset of puberty, there is always the question of what our meat or dairy could do to us.

4. Grass-fed beef is treated humanely
     The life of a grass-fed cow, allowed to move around and eat its natural diet is a stark contrast to the life of a cow raised on a feedlot, where space is minimized and the cows may spend most of their day standing in piles of manure. The ability to move around helps reduce the levels of fat in the meat, which make it healthier for us as well.

5. Grass-fed beef is less likely to contribute to food poisoning
     Grass-fed beef have a healthier digestive system because they eat the food they’re supposed to (a good lesson to keep in mind for us humans, as well). With a healthier immune system, they’re less susceptible to disease like e. coli.

Hope you learned a couple of things!

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