Sunday, February 24, 2013

March Already? Time for a goal re-evaluation!

Will it really be March this week?  I have a hard time believing its already 2013 let alone almost March.  Have you done the things so far this year you were hoping?  Have you hit goals or are you tracking to hit your first two month goals?

I am constantly goal setting.  With myself, family and clients.  Yes, we all need to take time to have fun and live, but its hard to know where you are going if you don't have a plan. (And write it down and review it)

I like to set physical, financial, educational, fun and professional goals.  I set them yearly and re-evaluate weekly and monthly.  I give my goals deadlines and action plans.  The goals are also broken into monthly  quarterly, yearly and 5 year.

It is so rewarding to look back on a month, quarter or year and see all the goals that were achieved and your path to get there. I like the saying "Success, its not the destination, but the journey".  Which is so true!

When I look back at my certifications, travels, big purchases and accomplishments I know the end result was great.  But typically what I remember most and enjoy about the end result are all the great things that got me there.

With certifications I am learning and networking with other talented educators and with big purchases usually comes some longer hours at a job I love, and researching the decision (I love research .  Travelling is something I am trying to do more and more of.  Mostly because Adam loves it and anything we can do together is a win win.  Also, because as I see my little one turn into a toddler I want to show her it all!  Not in a rotten spoiled kind of way but in a learning, exciting and bonding kind of way.

I write this because I want you all to be successful in what you choose.  You don't have to be a nerd like me.  You can have a simple goal to take 2 vacations a year or lose 5 lbs.  I am just asking you to write it down, in a spot you can re-evaluate it.  Create some action steps to your goal and execute.  You never know what other fun things will happen along the way.

Have a great week and get ready for March, it will be here Friday!  My week is pretty busy but I will stay on here as I am able.  Get ready for a fun "bikini ready" challenge after Easter.

Here are some highlights from my weekend with the family!

Snowy Friday at home

Swim lessons Saturday morning

More swimming on Saturday after a bunch of shopping and visiting with Adams parents.

Poor kid

More swimming this morning after a night at the Casino

The snowgirls and milk after our drive back from Iowa

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Addicted to junk food?

The New York Times had a great article a few days ago about junk food and the "science" about it.

There were some interesting comments and facts about our food industry.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Another weekend down

Happy Sunday and Presidents day to you all.  I hope you were able to enjoy your weekend with family and friends.

We had a very busy weekend of basketball, dance, visiting and remembrance.

Here are some fun videos and pictures from our weekend.

Adam at his tournament this weekend, they took first place

Long three point

Addison and my little brother playing

 Addison and I at Minnetonka High School Friday

 View of the State Dance competition from the box we were in, what a great group of dancers!

Some more fun photos from the box

Addison and Louis this afternoon

Have a great week and happy 50th MJ

Friday, February 15, 2013

Winter have you down?

Do you ever get down or sad this time of year?  Have you noticed your not yourself in the winter time?  Are you finding yourself tired and lacking energy when its cold out?

If you think that you struggle some in the wintertime read below to find out why and what you can do to help it!

Seasonal affective disorder or SAD is a type of depression that occurs the same time of the year, every year.  It typically starts in the fall and increases as the winter goes on.

SAD symptoms include:

  • decreased energy
  • moody spells
  • anxiety
  • extremities can feel heavy
  • decrease in social life
  • weight gain
  • craving high carbohydrate foods or other appetite changes
  • difficulty concentrating 
  • poor sleeping patterns
  • even put you into a state of depression

*Make sure if you ever get to the point of hopelessness, turning to alcohol to control your days or depression that you consult with your doctor.

So what causes SAD?
A true medical cause is unknown.  The likely cause is similar to other mental health issues which are genetics, age and chemical make up.  Certain medications, drug/alcohol abuse, low vitamin D levels, poor sleep habits, poor nutrition and nutritional inefficiencies are other common causes.  Serotonin and melatonin are both hormones that can contribute to SAD.  If your serotonin is low which can because by lack of sunlight depression can be triggered.  If your melatonin is low your sleep patterns and mood will be affected.

Females are more at risk for SAD.  Those with family history and other types of depression are also more at risk.  Lastly, if you live further from the equator (like Minnesota) you can also be at more risk.

There is no specific test for SAD.  A doctor will ask you questions, might perform a physical exam and could order blood work to rule out other issues.  Commonly Vitamin D levels will be low and they will recommend Vitamin D therapy.  Here is a previous post on vitamin D supplementation.

For your doctor to diagnose you with SAD you will have had to have symptoms for at least two consecutive
years.  Also, experience episodes of depression followed by non depression and to have mood/behavior swings for no reason.

Some things you can do to reduce your SAD:

  • Light Therapy (talk with your doctor if you are already on an antidepressant) 
  • Vitamin D Supplementation
  • Melatonin Supplementation
  • Magnesium Supplementation
  • Omega 3/Fish oil supplements
  • Stay socially active in the winter time, here are some activities to try to keep you busy
  • Keep working out, even when energy is low (the Mayo clinic even says so)
  • Try to do some activities out side, even if its cold to get some natural Vitamin D, but read my winter safety tips first
  • Keep blinds open at home to let some sun light in
  • Yoga, meditation and massage have also been shown to help
  • Take care of yourself and practice stress management
  • Take a vacation to somewhere warm and sunny
  • If your SAD is really bad discussing psychotherapy and medications with your doctor is also advised
Good luck the rest of this winter, its almost over, hopefully!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

100 calories

100 calories isn't a lot, really, is it? No, 100 calories is not the end of the world but who really stops at 100, just saying!

Here is a fantastic image that outlines what 100 calories of a typical Valentines treat looks like......hope you didn't overdo it this Valentines day!

I was lucky enough to have a Valentines day at the job I love followed by a home cooked dinner and champagne.  Yes, as I write this I think I am only about three glasses in, I think.  So excuse any spelling errors or things that just seem out of place. :)  I have to be human sometimes too!

Here are some fun facts about Valentines day.  I hope you were able to spend some time with those you care about and enjoy your day, without going overboard!

Approximately 1 billion Valentines day cards are sent each year
More than 36 million heart shaped boxes were sold this year
Women purchase 85% of all Valentines, hmmmm
About 3% of pet owners give their pets Valentines
50 million roses are given on Valentines day, 73% of them are bought by men
Top 3 gifts are - Flowers, teddy bears and chocolates

Have a fantastic night, or morning!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Winter Saftey

Here are some tips to keep safe this winter when your outdoors enjoying this winter season.

Stay Warm: Wear layers and make sure to protect your fingers, head and face.  Goggles are also great to protect your eyes.  Wear moisture absorbing fabric close to your skin and outer layers that can be easily removed if you get too warm.

Watch the sun: Wear an SPF 15 sunscreen or greater in the winter.  Yes, we are farther away from the sun but the bright white snow reflects the sun back to your face all day.  Don't forget to protect your lips as well from the sun.

Sledding: Sledding is a great and cheap way to pass the time in the winter.  It can also be a great workout.  Make sure to use a sturdy sled with handles and one that can be easily steered and stopped.  Make sure to sit up in the sled and wear boots to protect your feet.  Another thing to always do before you start sledding is to checkout the hill for big bumps, trees, rocks and other sledders.  It is also a good idea to wear a helmet to protect your head.

Skating: Always wear proper sized skates and skate on approved ice.  If your skating on a lake, pond or river make sure it is completely frozen over and there is no standing water.  Watch out for others around you and don't chew gum or candy while skating.  You never know when you might fall and choke on it.  Also if your going to play hockey wear protective equipment and check out another post on hockey safety.

Skiing and Snowboarding: Again it is important to wear appropriate equipment that fits well.  Here is another post around skiing.  Make sure to always wear a helmet and goggles.  Knee and elbow pads are not a bad idea as well if you are learning.  Taking a few lessons is not a bad idea either to make sure you have proper technique and know how to fall.

Enjoy the snow this winter season!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Last week and snacks

Happy Snowy Sunday to you all.  I was fortunate enough to have a fantastic weekend filled with family, friends, celebrations and basketball.

As a reminder this is our last week of the challenge.  Please let me know some good days/times for your final weigh in this week.

Something that everyone needs ideas on are healthy snacks.  We need to snack on foods with protein throughout the day to keep us from overeating at times, stabilize blood sugar and satiety.

Here are some good ideas for snacks to eat throughout the day with protein and that are gluten/dairy free:
Homemade trail mix with nuts and dried fruit
Dry Roasted edamame
Peanut butter and apples
Powdered Peanut Butter
Almond butter on rice cake or with celery
Protein powder and water, rice milk or almond milk
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Lara-bars, Kind and Kit Bars
Lunch meat wrapped around a pickle
Shrimp skewers
Jerky- beef, turkey, buffalo, tuna, ostrich and others
Bean dip with peppers, corn, onions, use gluten free bean chips or gluten free corn chips
Radish, celery, peppers, carrots, broccoli  with hummus
Tuna on lettuce wraps

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Almost through another week

It is so hard to believe we are almost at another Wednesday!  One more week until measurements will be in full swing.  Do you think you will be where you want to be?  Do you think you could have worked harder?  Are you excited for your progress?

We will find out next week!

Here is an interesting read I came across this week in regards to obesity, check it out:

Here is another interesting read I came across regarding gluten:

Here is also a nice blog about snacking:

Lastly, thanks to Octane Fitness for sharing a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago:

As a reminder I am now teaching fitness classes.  For a list of when they are and what types check out my schedule page.  Have a great night, I am off to tend to a sick kiddo!