Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 5 and push ups

Welcome, welcome, welcome to week 5!  Can you believe we only have this week and next week left!

As a reminder our weekly challenges this week are:

  • Go to bed early enough to sleep 8 hours per night 
  • Do 100 push ups per day
    • You can break these up all throughout the day, 5 here, 10 there and so on.....
Since Push ups can be done a variety of different ways here are some images and tips to help you with your push ups this week.

Your basic push up from your toes.  Keep your abdominals engaged.

A much easier variation of push ups from the wall.  Just keep your back straight.

Another modified push up that is a little harder than a wall push up.  Keep your head looking down.

A push up from your knees.  These will count for all (male and female).  Make sure to not stick your butt up in the air.

I hope these tips help!  We are so close to being done and seeing some great results.  If you need help or have questions please let me know!

Also be thinking about a time next week (Tuesday-Saturday) that works for you to have your final measurements taken.

Have a wonderful week.

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