Thursday, April 5, 2012

Summer Workouts tips

Summer is vastly approaching, are you ready?

As summer is here we find ourselves wanting to get outside more and more! Here are some exercise ideas to help keep you in shape these months you can get outside.
1. At the lake
- go for a swim
- rent a canoe
- throw around some heavy rocks
2. Up north
- go for a hike
- go for a bike ride
3. At the beach
- go snorkeling
- play sand volleyball
- throw around a football or Frisbee
- walk around in the sand
4. At the pool
- go for a swim
- do flutter kicks with your legs
- try to stay a float in the deep end with only your hands
- jog around in the shallow end
Keep working hard this summer and your body will thank you!
Good luck.

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