Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What is physical therapy?

Have you heard the term physical therapy and all you thought about was a major injury or surgery?
Yes, both of those are patients that you will see in physical therapy clinics but if you look a little deeper you will notice that there is a lot more that goes on within the clinics.

Per (a great resource for physical therapy)
Physical therapists apply research and proven techniques to help people get back in motion. All physical therapists are required to receive a graduate degree – either a master's degree or a clinical doctorate — from an accredited physical therapist program before taking the national licensure examination that allows them to practice. State licensure is required in each state in which a physical therapist practices. They are trusted health care professionals with extensive clinical experience who examine, diagnose, and then prevent or treat conditions that limit the body's ability to move and function in daily life.

Physical therapy clinics employ Physical Therapists, Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapy Aides, Personal Trainers and Dietitians. All of these professionals can be part of your care in helping you increase mobility/motion, avoiding surgery and eliminating pain and medication.

I have been in the fitness industry for a long time but for the last month I have been working at a Physical Therapy clinic and taking in all that really goes on within our four walls. I have seen people in there working on getting better on many different levels.

Some things Physical Therapist can assist with - workers comp, falls, auto accident, sports injury, pre/post surgery, weight loss, arthritis, cardiac reconditioning, running analysis, chronic pain and more!

My advice to you if you are considering Physical Therapy:
1. Try it - In Minnesota most insurance companies will allow you to see a Physical Therapist for 90 days without a Doctors prescription. Physical Therapy is a great alternative to surgery and taking medication to control pain.

2. Look for a clinic with hours and location that works for you. A lot of the time you will be going 2-3x per week so its important that it can be convent for you.

3. Find a therapist with experience. Learning things in a book and in real life are way different. A therapist who has been around for a while will have probably seen you situation before and will know how to combat it.

4. Look for a clinic that offers ongoing services. How great to have your therapy and workouts in the same place. This is a good way to avoid future and re-injury.

5. Let me know if you have other questions or are looking for a Physical Therapist recommendation. My number one goal is to help people and I truly believe Physical Therapy can help.

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