Saturday, February 1, 2014

Week 5!

Welcome to week 5!

Our goals this week are SLEEP and to work your BACK muscles.

Hopefully your cardio and protein went well this last week and you have healthy snacks planned for the big game tomorrow!

Your goal with sleep is to go to bed early enough to get 8 hours of sleep per night!  Turn on the TV and your devices, turn the lights off and rest.  Avoid caffeine later in the day as well.

Your goal with your back muscles is to work on posture and strengthen your back muscles.  When you find yourself slouching while you are driving, eating, working or standing take some time to sit up!  Your back will thank you.  I even have a reminder on my computer at home to sit up straight while I am working. 

Here are some images of posture to think about!

Here are some exercises to focus on this week as well.
Aim for 50 Bridges per day.  They can be broken up or done all at once.

 Aim for 25 reaches per side per day.  They can be broken up or done all at once.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.  Also, think about when you will be able to make it in the week of the 10th for your final measurements.

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