Friday, January 24, 2014

Meal Planning

As we look to finish week 3 I wanted to share with you all some more help with meal planning.

I am working with an intern right now at OSR Melissa Sanchez and here are some tips and links she has to share.

Meal Planning
A great habit to have that improves your eating and overall health is meal planning. If you make a list and stick to it, you will eat healthier. Not only will you just eat healthier, you will reduce the stress of worrying about what to make, save time without extra trips to the grocery store and save money by not purchasing an impulse buy. 

There are endless healthy recipes on the web, so all it takes a little time one day out the week to plan, shop and prep. Rinse and cut fresh veggies and fruits as soon as you get home, so they will be an accessible ready to eat snack. It will also make weeknight meals faster when everything is ready to go. Make a few meals ahead of time that can be heated or put together when dinner time approaches. You will be less tempted to order out or eat packaged meals when you have everything at home. 

Here are a few articles with tips for meal planning.

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