Thursday, July 26, 2012

Almost the weekend!

For most of you your last weekend has arrived.  Some of you have already had your final measurements and did great.  Some others are treating this challenge as a new beginning to consistent healthy eating habits and will be having monthly check ins to ensure progress.

Great job to everyone thus far, and if we don't have a time set up for next week let me know what works for your measurements!

How can you stay on track this weekend?
PLAN AHEAD - We make most of our bad choices when we are rushed or not at home. Plan ahead, make healthy snacks and go grocery shopping.

DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST - Its easy to wake up and get going with your day. Eat some good protein right away in the morning to ensure your good choices throughout the day.

KEEP A FOOD DIARY - Mindless eating happens when you are at the cabin, friends house or bored.  Journal what you are eating throughout the day so you are aware what you are putting into your body.

TREAT YOURSELF - Just a little.  Have a bite or split a small thing with a friend.  A treat can also be a massage or new shirt for the new you!

EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES - They are low in calories, high in fiber and nutrients.  They will help keep you full and you can eat a ton.

BE CAREFUL WITH MENUS - When you are going out plan ahead, look at the menu online before you get there.  That way you can make an educated guess and not be peer pressured into a bad choice.

BE CAREFUL SHOPPING - Eat before you leave the house.  You will make better choices at home and will not be starving while you are out so the temptation for junk food will be less.

BE ACTIVE - Go for a walk, play catch or clean up.  Being active will help burn calories and keep you distracted from your cravings.

Have a great weekend!

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