Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weight gain vs Weight Loss part 1

You read all about calories in my previous post (7/18/12).  Now we are going to dive into why weight gain and weigh loss is not always about 3500 calories = 1lb.

So your eating less and working out yet your weight loss still is not what you expected......why?

Here are things that can also affect weight loss:
Food intolerance's
Processing of foods/beverages
Artificial Sweeteners
Thryroid issues
Style/Timing of your workouts
Macro Nutrient Breakdown
and more

Food intolerance's: Just because your don't break out in hives after you drink cows milk doesn't mean you should drink it all day every day.  There are 100 foods that are considered "high allergen" and they only way to know how your body reacts to them are to try elimination and re-introduction or get a food allergy panel.  If your eating foods that your body cannot digest properly your body will always be stressed, inflamed and lack the energy you need to have a great metabolism.

Stress: Wow, stress comes in so many forms.......
sleep, environmental, work, family, financial, food, drink, deficiencies, diseases, injuries, medications, workouts, hydration and I could literally go on and on.
When our body is stressed from any of the above reasons it will have a hard time letting go and hinder your weight loss.

Sodium: 2400mg is the recommended amount of sodium we should be consuming a day, although recent research is showing we can tolerate more based on activity levels, family history, medical history, medication and type of sodium.  One thing that is certain though is that sodium makes our body retain water so if you are consuming a lot of processed things your body could be retaining a lot of water which will make it hard to lose weight.

to be continued.......

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