Monday, July 30, 2012

Weight gain vs Weight loss part 2

Here is the next part of my weight gain vs weight loss post from 7/29/12

Here are more things that can contribute to you not losing the weight like you want to!

Processing of foods/beverages - When foods go through lots of processing so they can become "convenience" foods and sit on your shelf for years yet still be eaten that's a problem.  There are likely multiple ingredients our bodies cannot breakdown and digest which will hinder any weigh loss! Always try to avoid Partially Hydrogenated Oils (trans fats) and High Fructose Corn Syrup (I could write for days on those two alone).
Seriously, if a bug wont even eat it why should you?

Artificial Sweeteners - Yes, they are calorie free and taste so good compared to just simply fruit flavoring but are they all equal? No, studies have shown multiple risks associated with consuming these, especially in large quantities which a lot of Americans do since there are artificial sweeteners in LOTS of items, not just diet pop and crystal light.  Artificial sweeteners are a chemical makeup created in a lab and not made to be digested properly or broken down and used for energy.  They can cause lots of issues including cancer! Opt for stevia, grow it in a planter in you kitchen, dry it out and then crumble it in your coffee in the morning. Yumm!
Seriously, formaldehyde!

Thyroid issues - Your thyroid is KEY in optimal health and weight loss.  There are tons of reasons why it could be low and if it is that is going to seriously hinder your weight loss results.  If you suspect you have a low thyroid go to your doctor and get it checked, better to be safe than work really hard for a year and get nowhere.  
Signs/Symptoms of low thyroid are:
Brittle hair/nails
Weight Gain
Muscle Weakness
and more

To be continued......

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