Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 8!

Good morning day 8 of the challenge!

I hope everyone had a great weekend, stayed on track and can be around air conditioning all day today!  My weekend was super busy, fun filled and I made great choices.  I was only able to walk for my exercise and even avoided the Ice Cream Sundae bar at the wedding we attended Saturday.  I ate lots of sunflower seeds and stocked up on H20 at the Twins game Sunday. I started my morning with fish oil, multi vitamin, probiotic and a protein shake!

Some things to remember this week:
If you mess up one meal that doesn't mean you have a free pass you go hog wild all day. Don't get down on yourself and get back on track with your next meal.

Try to choose foods based on what you want most and not what you want now.

Slow progress is still progress.  Everyone changes at their own pace and will see results at different times, that's the great thing about being human.

Exercise to be fit, not skinny and eat to nourish your body, not as a reward.

Pop and sugary/starchy foods do nothing for you body or to promote healthy joints.

If you fail to plan, plan to fail. You must take some time each week to think about your meals and grocery shop.

Some fun facts:
-Each additional kilogram (2.2lbs) of body mass increases the compressive load over your knee by roughly 4 kilograms (nearly 9lbs)
-1lb of muscle burns 35 calories per day
-1lb of fat burns 2 calories per day


1 comment:

  1. I love the your comment on exercise to be fit not skinny!!! I really feel like it's a struggle in America with image especially in woman... between media, magazine's and print add's it creates a lot of issues. I love the new saying Strong is the New Skinny!!!
