Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How is week 2?

How is your week 2 going?  Have you been continuing to make good choices or are you slipping off and giving in to temptation?

My last few days have been a lot of fun and a little more relaxing than my last few weeks.  I was able to escape to the south for some sunshine and visiting with family.  It was also a great opportunity to take a break from everything going on and sleep!

I feel I made fairly good choices.  We ate a lot of proteins, fruits and vegetables.  I didn't have a specific workout unless you count running through an airport with luggage and a car seat one.  We did stay busy though with the warm weather.

I don't want to discuss Saturday and the loss of the Broncos, it still hurts too bad!

It was nice to get back to normal today after a long day of delays and hanging out in an airport all day yesterday.  I started my day off with some eggs and ostrich jerky then a big chicken salad, and finally gluten and dairy free tacos for dinner!  I drank a lot of water and hope to get back to working out tomorrow.

Thursday Plan:
-Protein Shake
-Apple, peanut butter
-Salad bar, I still need to go grocery shopping
-ostrich jerky and maybe peppers if I am still hungry
-lemon pepper fish and asparagus
-big strength workout!
-a lot more water

Enjoy your Wednesday night and keep making good choices! Final weigh ins are just about a month away!

Here are a couple pictures from our trip!
look at that great running form

soccer with my gramps

Addi wanted to eat the bread that was for the ducks

on the plane!

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