Friday, June 29, 2012

Diet for a Poisoned Planet #1

I had some time this week to read some books and articles but I want to summarize some of my current reads. I do best at reading things that interest me so anything health, movement, nutrition and performance are right up my alley.

Here are some of my take a ways from the intro, forward, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 16 and chapter 17 of  Diet for a Poisoned Planet by David Steinman

Some Food=Carcinogens, during the 19th century less than 1% of deaths came from cancer when this book was published in 1990 1 in 4 deaths came from cancer. Yes we are living longer and there are things like cigarettes but there is no way that is the reason for such a large increase.

When people decrease toxins they will notice weight loss, increased energy and mood along with decreased fatigue and sickness.

The book has what is called "Low toxin, high energy diet" (I will go over this more later)

We need to identify the foods with the most toxins and eliminate, something as simple as cows milk has been found to have parts of prescription medications like sulfa. (Interesting fact, I used to be able to take sulfa medications and recently have found I am allergic to them, I have also noticed how sensitive I am to cows milk and cheese, I will be investigating this more.)

The EPA limits the amount of toxins in foods individually but doesn't look at the fact that we eat multiple foods per meal and throughout the day. We can easily eat 500% our daily value of contaminated residues. You have to be responsible for making safe food choices. If pesticides and chemicals can kill insects so easily just imagine what they are doing to our intestines.

Farmers use 50,000+ different types of pesticides and in 1988 the surgeon general admitted that 710,000 deaths were caused by additives in foods. 50% of cancers are caused from pesticides in food, water and our air.

Pesticides can cause other issues such as Parkinsons, Alzheimers, joint issues, lowered IQ, diabetes, chronic fatigue, anxiety, ADHD and decreased immunity.

Alzheimers - Genetic disorder and Aluminum can increase potential to get it. Aluminum is found in cookware, salt, pepper, antiperspirants, cheese, antacids, tea, water and aluminum foil.

Parkinsons- Caused from more of an environmental exposure to mercury.

The higher up on the food chain you eat the greater chance for toxins, humans are among the most poisoned creatures on earth. Increasing your fiber will help rid your body of toxins and faster.

Look for fruits/veggies with the most color, they will be higher in vitamins/minerals.

VITAMIN A - Decreases cancer with powerful antioxidants
Carrots, Cabbage, Pumpkin, peppers, spinach, sweet potatoes, apricots, cantelope, mangoes and peaches.

VITAMIN B - Good for stress and brain function
Animal products (cheese, meat, milk, eggs), peas, artichokes, lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, orange, pineapple, raisins, watermelons.

VITAMIN C - Powerful antioxidant to rid carcinogens
Cantelopes, grapefruit, lemons, oranges, peaches, strawberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red peppers.

CALCIUM - In every cell of your body, also helps decrease the lead in your body.
Almonds, beans, broccoli, eggplant, figs, kale, oranges, turnip greens

COPPER - Helps with anemia
Apricots, avocados, figs, prunes, almonds, nuts, broccoli, kidney beans, Lima beans, mushrooms, peas

Pregnancy and Babies
Your nutrition should start before conception, lower level of toxins will decrease birth defects and both mom and dad need to be eating well. Avoid artificial sweeteners, watch for metal in tap water, avoid nitrates, radiation and take a good multivitamin.

Baby Foods: They can contribute to food intolerance's and be careful which packaging you use. Major manufactures (Gerber and Heinz) allow pesticides on the foods they use which can affect childrens behavior and health.

Best baby foods- bananas, carrots, pineapple, chicken, corn, peas, turkey, rice
OK baby foods- apple juice, beef, green beans, ham, infant cereal, oatmeal, OJ, prunes, spinach
Highest contaminated baby foods- Applesauce (38 pesticides found), peaches, pears, pork (52 found)

Hope you enjoyed #1, I will continue my notes next week!

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