Thursday, May 24, 2012

Halfway there!

Can we really be halfway there?  I am still hearing and seeing so many successes each day, so great job to all of you!

My day went as planned food wise, with the rain we did not have softball which was fine with me because my shoulder is SORE from Wednesday night (Tip: DON'T throw long distances without proper warm up).  Benefit of working in a PT can get it worked on and do stuff for it! Lots of ice today and I did make it for a little workout but mostly did shoulder stuff.  My hope is to keep the ice up all night so I can get a good workout in the morning.

Day 12:
-Protein Smoothie (chocolate protein powder, strawberries, ice and water)
-Lemon Pepper Chicken and Sweet Potato Fries
-Modified egg/tuna salad (egg, olive oil mayo, tuna, celery, lettuce)
-Chicken and Asparagus with mixed berries for dessert!

I need to hit the grocery store tomorrow, here is what is on my list:
Spring Mix
Lemon Pepper
Rice Milk
Ground beef and Turkey to make Burgers for memorial weekend!

Good luck to you all with day 12!

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