Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pre/Post Workout Nutrition

What to eat, when to eat, what to drink, when to drink and questions can go on and on about nutrition around workout time.

What to eat and when to eat varies based on your goal and the time of day.

If your goal is weight loss and your working out right way in the morning:
-Try to workout fasted, if you need to eat something aim for it to be small and try to get it in 30 prior to your workout
-Post workout try to wait 45-60 minutes before you eat anything.  Something with protein and carbohydrates and small fat will be your best bet. A shake/smoothie is a great choice because your body can use the nutrients right away for recovery and wont have to break the food down first.

If your goal is weight loss and you are working out after you have been up for a couple hours or at night:
-Try to not consume anything 45-60 minutes before your workout, give your body the time it needs to digest the food.  Eating too soon will slow down the digestion as the blood leaves your stomach and heads to your muscles to help with your workout. Aim for something with protein and carbohydrates.  If  you eat only carbs it will be hard for your body to burn fat during your workout.
-Post workout try to wait 45-60 minutes before you eat anything. Something with protein and carbohydrates and small fat will be your best bet. A shake/smoothie is a great choice because your body can use the nutrients right away for recovery and wont have to break the food down first. If it is time for a meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) skip the shake/smoothie (unless you are using that as your meal), it will only be extra calories your body wont need.

I believe most people reading this have a weight loss goal so you will fit into one of those categories.  If your goal is weigh gain or muscle gain let me know because there are a little different guidelines to follow.

Have a great day!

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