Saturday, September 1, 2012

Glo Run

The Glo run was this evening!  I wasn't really sure what to expect but it was a blast and quite entertaining!

Here is my narration of the Glo Run in pictures, I am a very visual learner :)

 Our black light hairspray, awesome socks and tons of glo sticks
 Numbers-check, shirts-check, lots of glo-check, awesome runners with sweet biceps-check
 So we had to drive 3 miles past the course to park and ride the school bus to the start line, the only time I seem to ride school buses now is for events.
 We made it to the start line and the row of porta potties!
 Start line/finish line
Our super sweet and non matching socks, including clashing orange sneakers! 
 Watching the crazies dance before the run 
 Time to get up and head to the start line
 All the glowers behind us
 Lots of beach balls in the air before the start
 After the race started we ran in on the road for a while, then it was around Normandale Lake where this was literally our view, just glo sticks, it was super scary at times. 
 One of the stops along our way, lots of strobe lights.  There was also an area with black lights and bubbles!
 As we got closer to the end there were huge tents with lots of lights and "Call me maybe" playing!
 We finished! Our time was under 30minutes which was the goal, my shoe even came untied and we had to stop.
Before we started the journey back to the buses I snapped this pic of the area by the finish line, it was a really cool sight!

What a fun run! in case your interested for next year.

A huge shout out to Danica for almost kicking my butt in her first 5k, I had to literally sprint at the end to finish with her.  She has made some huge changes in her life this year, lost a ton of weight (almost 75lbs) and enjoying fun/active things in life while eating right (all the time).  When I met this fun smiley gal in January this year I figured she was just another one of those "new years resolution'ers" at the gym, wow has she proved me wrong.

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